Monday, 19 March 2012

the things that fascinate me

There are a few fascinating things that still and will probably always throw me off guard (some neutrally, some positively and some negatively).

  1. Time difference
  2. Seasonal weather changes. Seriously amazing. 
  3. Blogs/twitter/fb accounts that direct statuses at other people: 'i can't believe you would do this..i miss you..bla bla bla.'  I never understood the concept of telling the whole world about your personal problems.
  4. The feeling of falling in love with a song
  5. Why people wear colored contacts. Imagine how I would look with blue eyes? Ridiculous is the word.
  6. Why humans always seem to love to leave everything till the last minute...and every single time we say the same thing: "I've learnt my lesson, never doing this again!" Yeah that never works out. 
  7. The fine line between love and lust
  8. The dynamic behind bad customer service
  9. The Facebook revolution. 
and finally, the number one thing that fascinates me...
     10. Accents.

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