Saturday, 17 March 2012

Australian summer: late 2011-early 2012

I've decided to post up a vlog (video blog) about some of the things I did during the summer! Unfortunately, this video does not contain all the wonderful moments that I was lucky enough to have. However it does illustrate the general feel of my summer, and it really was a great summer.

If you guys are wondering why the heck I have to title this post as my 'Australian' summer, I have a very simple reason. For those of you who don't know, I actually studied in a British international school for a decade of my life. Our summers were always from July- August, and I'm still finding it a little odd that I now have my big holiday from December- Feb.

Before you watch the video, I would also like to state that one of the most monumental moments I had this summer was working for the Sony Uphoria event in Singapore. I literally flew into Singapore on the night of the 2nd of December and I ended up at work the following morning. The event saw live performances from Train and Mike Posner, and boy were they amazing live. The experience was absolutely incredible, because I love my music so so much. I got to be in their dressing rooms and everything!!

In Train's dressing room
Ridiculously amazing being so close to Mike Posner
I also spent my summer taking out my wisdom teeth, running between acting jobs, working and doing short emceeing stints for various events (CA Technologies/IBM/Red Hat Asia Pacific), and spending time with my wonderful family. Thank you to everyone who made my summer so fantastic; it was the most productive one I have had thus far.

Anyway without further ado, this is Nadia's Aussie summer video. The quality is pretty weak so I suggest that you don't make it full screen should you choose to watch it. Cheers guys!

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