Friday, 23 March 2012

Nick Vujicic; an inspiration.

I'm sure you would have heard (something along the lines of) the following complaints before:

"My arms look so big."
"I hate my legs!"
"Why can't my thighs be thinner?"

I hate to admit it, but I must have made those complaints about a million and one times. I'm a girl and sometimes we are just twits like that, even if we know we are being ungrateful. 

Then one fine day, I watched this video and it woke me up quite a bit. 

This man, Nick Vujicic, is absolutely remarkable. Born without arms or legs, he still manages to live his life with such a lovely and cheerful demeanour. I remember thinking that culture might have been a factor that led to his sunny disposition, because many of the Australian people I know have a similar outlook on life. This bright and carefree way of living is one of the many things I admire about this country. 

Nick's story has inspiration and class embedded deeply and inseparably within it. In hindsight of watching more videos about him, I can see how trivial and redundant my everyday complaints are. This is not to say that I am going to turn into a saint just means that I am now a tad more AWARE. 

We don't think twice about walking, brushing our teeth or putting our glasses on. We type on our phones, hold hands, play sport and even wiggle our toes without considering how lucky we are to have such basic privileges. I am not saying that this is anyones fault. It is common to associate 'being fortunate' with wealth, not so much with having arms and legs. 

I have pondered upon the following question countless times. 
Who gave one person the allowance to be so physically beautiful, while another has a deformity on his face? Why is global wealth  unfairly distributed? Why is life seemingly more unkind to some people? 

I didn't get my answer until I watched the video above and realized that minor setbacks are often compensated with greater, more exceptional and beautiful qualities. Heroes like Nick Vujicic are born as a necessity; they are angels who are sent to earth to teach the rest of us a very important, simple lesson. 
Life is about living. 

Monday, 19 March 2012

the things that fascinate me

There are a few fascinating things that still and will probably always throw me off guard (some neutrally, some positively and some negatively).

  1. Time difference
  2. Seasonal weather changes. Seriously amazing. 
  3. Blogs/twitter/fb accounts that direct statuses at other people: 'i can't believe you would do this..i miss you..bla bla bla.'  I never understood the concept of telling the whole world about your personal problems.
  4. The feeling of falling in love with a song
  5. Why people wear colored contacts. Imagine how I would look with blue eyes? Ridiculous is the word.
  6. Why humans always seem to love to leave everything till the last minute...and every single time we say the same thing: "I've learnt my lesson, never doing this again!" Yeah that never works out. 
  7. The fine line between love and lust
  8. The dynamic behind bad customer service
  9. The Facebook revolution. 
and finally, the number one thing that fascinates me...
     10. Accents.

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Australian summer: late 2011-early 2012

I've decided to post up a vlog (video blog) about some of the things I did during the summer! Unfortunately, this video does not contain all the wonderful moments that I was lucky enough to have. However it does illustrate the general feel of my summer, and it really was a great summer.

If you guys are wondering why the heck I have to title this post as my 'Australian' summer, I have a very simple reason. For those of you who don't know, I actually studied in a British international school for a decade of my life. Our summers were always from July- August, and I'm still finding it a little odd that I now have my big holiday from December- Feb.

Before you watch the video, I would also like to state that one of the most monumental moments I had this summer was working for the Sony Uphoria event in Singapore. I literally flew into Singapore on the night of the 2nd of December and I ended up at work the following morning. The event saw live performances from Train and Mike Posner, and boy were they amazing live. The experience was absolutely incredible, because I love my music so so much. I got to be in their dressing rooms and everything!!

In Train's dressing room
Ridiculously amazing being so close to Mike Posner
I also spent my summer taking out my wisdom teeth, running between acting jobs, working and doing short emceeing stints for various events (CA Technologies/IBM/Red Hat Asia Pacific), and spending time with my wonderful family. Thank you to everyone who made my summer so fantastic; it was the most productive one I have had thus far.

Anyway without further ado, this is Nadia's Aussie summer video. The quality is pretty weak so I suggest that you don't make it full screen should you choose to watch it. Cheers guys!

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

playlist: red wine

I love red wine. As a result, the following playlist contains one of my all time favourite types of music: slow and chilled, with an acoustic feel. The songs listed below are somewhat romantic (come on, with red wine you kind of expect it ay, wink wink), so listen to them when you're thinking about the person you like...or when you're with your significant other.

This one is also for the people who can appreciate slow music without falling asleep! ENJOY.

-Perfectly, Five times August
-This modern love, Bloc Party
-Tidal waves and hurricanes, The Icarus Account
-Wonderwall (cover), Ryan Adams
-Dancing in the dark (cover), Matt Kearney

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

playlist: green tea

If you need something to lift you from your moments of distress,  Green Tea is something you should take! This playlist has a positive and chilled feel to it, and it has brought me up during the times when I needed a source of motivation and hope. Enjoy!

- Marching on, One Republic ft Timbaland
- Only the young, Brandon Flowers
- Beautiful beat, Nada Surf
- Glad, Tyler Hilton
- If this is it, Newton Faulker

KONY 2012: Spread the word

'The ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.'
-Steve Jobs
A remarkable man -Jason Russell- sought to make the KONY 2012 campaign viral with the aim of capturing a notorious war criminal named Joseph Kony. Kony has been responsible for abducting tens of thousands of children in Africa, and turning them into his child soldiers.  These children have been forced to partake in horrendous acts, some of which include mutilating the faces of innocent civilians and shooting their own parents.

Watch this video, and do your part by spreading the word. Take advantage of the power of social media; one share on your Facebook wall will take you less than 10 seconds.