Let's make something very clear from the outset. YOLO is a new age concept that is used it to justify bad decisions, because of the superficial legitimacy that is unexplainably linked to it. In other words, the term has become the automatic go-to excuse for irresponsible behaviour amongst today's youth.
Believe me, I'm all for having fun and going a bit mental once in awhile, but I am not a big fan of overtly shunning responsibility in the name of some badly formulated excuse called YOLO. Yes, we only live once, but look deeper beneath that meaning... You get ONE life to live to the fullest, to achieve what you're supposed to achieve, and to figure out what your purpose is. So if you really want to use that term, do it in the name of something fantastic and meaningful. Because it is not a legitimate excuse for cheating on your significant other, regularly throwing away cash on pointless nights that you will never even remember, or just irresponsible behaviour in general.
Call me overly serious, I don't particularly mind. I'd like to think that I'm a logical creature who will find a balance between chilling out and working hard, because having fun once in awhile is absolutely imperative for one's happiness.
In conclusion, forget this superficial YOLO nonsense. Look deeper behind the meaning. Take nights off, but play it smart. You only have one life to make the best of the resources and gifts that you have been given, so don't waste it all away by making consistently dumb decisions that result in unfruitful or negative repercussions.
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