Saturday, 8 December 2012

the 21 things that 2012 made me grateful for.

As I will be turning 21 years old tomorrow, I thought that it would be good for me to write a reflective blog post. I don't often like to talk about my life in my blog posts, but hey...I guess this is a special occasion.

Without further ado, here are the 21 things that 2012 made me very grateful for. This list is in absolutely no order.
  1. A second year in University, and one step closer to attaining a degree.
  2. My fellow bottles at Maze. You guys gave me a sense of belonging that I have never felt anywhere else in my life, and taught me so many lessons (AKA how to be extra feisty). So thank you so much, you were definitely one of the best highlights of my year. 
  3. Hosting the Melbourne Uni night market. 
  4. Being able to HEAL for the Melbourne Uni event. I was so unwell, and it was an absolute miracle that I even managed to get up on stage. This particular incident taught me perseverance, patience and faith. 
  5. My family, who are still healthy and supportive, and my number one priority in life. 
  6. My marketing group for UMFM, who taught me that not all group assignments end up in frustration, and for being the best team I've ever worked with. 
  7. The winter in Melbourne, for still being able to make me feel like I'm in a movie everytime I run out of my apartment and nearly freeze to death. 
  8. (Alphabetically) Anisha M, David T, Jane T, Jane W, Mark C, Jack P and Sandra Y, for still being the GIS constants in my life, regardless of whether we speak regularly or not. 
  9. Critical Analysis Skills, for being one of the most useless subjects known to mankind.. and for giving me the most hilarious tutor I have ever been exposed to.  Tuesday afternoons will never feel as complete again!! 
  10. The voice test in Singapore in January, that sparked my glorious ambition. 
  11. The sun, because it still shines everyday
  12. My uni mates and close friends from all over the world, you know who you are. 
  13. The GME modelling show, for yet more exposure. 
  14. That I am healthy and alive. I probably should have written this as the first thing on my list, but hey, I said no particular order! 
  15. My new (and free) flat screen TV in my apartment in Melbourne. 
  16. Memes, just because I love memes.
  17. Green tea chai lattes, for being my daily sweet treat. 
  18. Life in general, for being so good and kind to me. 
  19. The moments when my friends and I laughed so hard that we couldn't breathe 
  20. The Shawshank Redemption and Fight Club, the two excellent classics that I (disgracefully) only discovered this year. These two movies definitely gave me further insight on life. 
  21. 14/07/2012. 

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