Thursday, 17 May 2012

(Melbourne) Australia, this is why I adore you

Oh no she didn't....oh YES SHE DID. You guys should have guessed that this post was going to appear sooner or later.

So I moved to Melbourne in February 2011, and I am still in love with this place. Why? Glad you asked!

  1. The fact that Australia has 4 seasons. I lived in South East Asia all my life, and we had two seasons: rain or sunshine. I didn't really travel much, so the idea of winter always excited me. However, I will admit that me waking up curled into a little ball (with popsicles instead of toes) has lost some of its initial fervour!
  2. The accent. Friends, you DEFINITELY saw this one coming. Maybe there's something wrong with me because so many people disagree, but I just find it kind of sexy and calm. And strange. But still really nice!
  4. The chilled-ness with the work-life balance. Like oh yeah it's 5pm, LETS PARTY MATE.
  5. My friends (you guys know who you are)
  6. My university. God I love that place so much. The buildings, the beauty, the atmosphere... UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE, REPRESENT.
  7. The chocolate. Chocolate in this country tastes better than chocolate from South East Asia. 
  8. The fact that people are just willing to do things differently. I mean we went to celebrate Norway Day yesterday evening (thanks Johan, Fride, Stine, Anna)'d never get something like that in Singapore. 
  9. The diversity, and how people seem to be so open to culture. 
  10.  I also cannot understand how the minimum wage here is so high. Hey, no complaints.. 

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