Monday, 13 February 2012

What I think of Valentine's Day

I have never been a fan of Valentine's day. 
Ok yes, it's sweet and all.. It can be a bit cute. I mean, you can buy heart shaped apples and all that. Pretty freakin exciting. Nevertheless, it's an overrated holiday.
In my opinion, relationships shouldn't be celebrated just because the calendar points to the 14th of February. I think that if you love a person, you get them flowers  or chocolate just because you want to. It shouldn't be an obligation...'Oh look it's Valentine's day, bloody hell, I NEED TO GET MY GIRLFRIEND ROSES.' 
On that note, I wouldn't blame you if you felt compelled to get your special someone something. There's so much pressure on Valentine's day! The media comes in and catalyzes the hype surrounding the holiday..BAM BAM BAM. Businesses cleverly market their products around all the hearts and the romantic little quotes, oh daym, the excitement! So yes, a guy or any person would feel that obligation. Or maybe you just like buying your girlfriend things, I don't know. 

Conversely, it's completely fair that most girls would expect presents and all that on the 14th. We like flowers and lovely, shiny things. But again with the media and all that pressure.. the air of expectancy becomes even more concentrated. So then you have guys freakin out and rushing, and girls getting upset because their presents aren't as pretty as their best friends.. During the times when I was taken, I used to panic over what to get guys. I mean..chocolate...really?? 
And worst of all, Valentine's day also means 'Single Awareness day.' There are some people in the world who will think of all the happy relationships and just feel really sad about everything. We imagine that only couples experience the Vday pressure. Wrong. I know (as I'm sure you do) of single people who feel it too.
Don't mistake me, I do like the romantic stuff quite alot. I'm a girl, not a robot. I don't HATE the 14th of February. I guess it just freaks me out a little. Go out for dinner and celebrate the love you have with someone because you want to, not because it's a Valentine's day obligation. 

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