Friday, 13 January 2012

why i started this blog

Ok so I have literally started a gazillion blogs.. (key word here is STARTED)

or perhaps 3/4.  All of them have failed (evidently, hah hah). I'm going to make this one count, THIS IS THE BLOG THAT IS GOING TO LIVE!!!

I was inspired to start another blog because of something that happened today.

Someone of a prominent corporate position said,  "Tell me, what is your dream in life?"

And now that I think about it, what makes me jubilant is not that someone of her position would even care about my answer. Well that did make me happy, but it was more that  I actually had an answer. I have a dream, though I have absolutely no clue how I'm going to get there, or even if I will ever get there. People say it's okay, you're still young, you'll figure it out.. but where did 2011 go? It slipped away so fast, and the same will happen with 2012 and life itself. Sometimes I feel like I'm racing with a clock that I cannot see or feel, yet I know it's there.

HOWEVER, I will tell you that I am going to do whatever it takes to reach this goal.

And that is why I started this blog. I needed a vent for all the creative energy that I had. I didn't go back to my other blogs because I forgot their passwords. What an anti climax.

Oh and my name is Nadia.

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