Saturday, 14 September 2013

I recommend: this awesome app called Drunk Mode

Today I am recommending Drunk Mode, a fantastic mobile application that prevents its users from drunk dialling. What a simple yet BLOODY COOL idea ay.. I first got in touch with one of the masterminds behind Drunk Mode, Joshua Anton, because I thought to myself.. this is absolutely fascinating. 

Upon speaking to Josh, I learnt that there are actually similar applications in the market. However, Drunk Mode stands out like a ray of sunlight because of its fantastic understanding of its users needs. It is brilliantly up to date, it caters to a global market and most importantly, it works like a charm. 

Drunk Mode essentially does two things: 
1) It prevents you from drunk dialling certain people. 
2) It allows you to pre record messages that you would want sent to yourself in your not-so-sober state, E.G. 'Don't Drink and Drive.' 

For a clearer picture, check this video out:

I was told that the makers behind Drunk Mode have a lot of big plans for the app, but let me tell you exactly why I think you should download it. My answer can be summed up in one word: numbers.

For a bunch of college students, the Drunk Mode masterminds sure managed to hit their target group. Within the first week of its release in April 2013, Drunk Mode gained 500-600 downloads. By July 2013, this number surpassed 3000. Let me tell you something readers. If people are downloading this application, it has to be something.

Do yourself a favour and give it a go.

Later dudes!
- Nadia